
TADEO MASA, Francisco José

Department of Basic Areas

TADEO MASA, Francisco José


Teacher profile

Professor Ajudant d' Investigació

Basic Areas, DEPARTMENT OF BASIC SCIENCIES. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


University Master in Advanced Biotechonology, University of Extremadura
Degree in Biotechnology, University of Extremadura

Professional experience

Biotechnologist. Master in Advanced Biotechnology with a specialization in molecular and cellular biology. Research assistant professor at the UIC Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Research group on fundamental mechanisms in cell biology.




  • ResearchFest UIC Presentació de poster "From the origin of life to the functioning of the brain: the role of cellular polyphosphate", 2024.
  • XXIX Jornada de Biología Molecular de la SCB y first CATCAT day Presentació de poster "Exopolyphosphatase activity characterization of PRUNE1 enzyme in human cells", 2023.
  • Polyphosphate: The Actual Biology of an Ancient Polymer Presentació de poster "Exopolyphosphatase activity characterization of PRUNE1 enzyme in human cells", 2023.