
1st Conference on Historical Studies: “Institutions and Power in Catalonia”

Facultat d’Humanitats i Facultat de Dret Saló de Graus

The faculties of Humanities and Law, together with the Historical Studies Group at UIC Barcelona, have organised the 1st Conference on Historical Studies: “Institutions and Power in Catalonia”, with support from the Catalan Society of Legal Studies.

Law and justice are two terms that can be both synonyms and antonyms. Over the years, kingdoms and states have made countless efforts to establish political institutions and mechanisms aimed at upholding the law and justice against attacks by different power structures: social groups, local and central institutions, etc. The history of Catalonia is littered with paradigmatic cases. The aim of this conference is to analyse the political and legal mechanisms that, since mediaeval times, the institutions have used to defend not only what is legal, but fair as well.

Event programme:

9.30 a.m. Opening address by the dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Judith Urbano, and UIC Barcelona lecturer Eduard Martí.

10.00 a.m. Josep Serrano, lecturer at UIC Barcelona: “The Judici de prohoms in late-medieval Catalonia”.

10.30 a.m. Josep Capdeferro, lecturer at the UPF: “Defence of the Constitution of Observance and the Court of Contraventions”.

11.00 a.m. Debate

11.30 a.m. Coffee-break

12.00 p.m. Eduard Martí, lecturer at UIC Barcelona: “The conferences of the Three Commons in the 17th century”.

12.30 p.m. Xavier Baró, lecturer at UIC Barcelona: “The Catalan language in the Baroque period: between incitement, contempt and pragmatism”.

1.00 p.m. Debate

2.00 p.m. Lunch

3.30 p.m. Josep Cañabate, lecturer at the UAB: “Catalonia in the 19th-century Spanish constitutional state: from the liberal Constitution of Cádiz to the federalism of the Six Democratic Years”.

4.00 p.m. Josep Maria Solé i Sabaté, full professor at the UAB: “Spain and the Commonwealth of Catalonia”.

4.30 p.m. Xavier Garí, lecturer at UIC Barcelona: “Social movements in Catalonia at the turn of the 20th century”.

6.00 p.m. Closing address by the dean of the Faculty of Law, Pilar Fernández, and Josep Serrano, lecturer from the Faculty of Law.