
1st International Conference Visual Narratives of Illness

Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació

On November 10 and 11, the 1st International Conference on Visual Narratives of Illness will take place in the Saló de Graus room UIC Barcelona. This conference is organised by the research project Visibilizing pain: visual narratives of illness and storytelling transmedia (Visibilizando el dolor: narrativas visuales de la enfermedad y storytelling transmedia) RTI2018-098181-A-I00) and aims to reflect on the ability of images to build narratives around disease and its role to destigmatise, make visible and offer new approaches that contribute to normalise it.

Thursday, 10 November 2022

9.30 a.m.    Issue of accreditations

9:45 a.m.    Welcome

                   Rebeca Pardo, dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences

                   Alfonso Méndiz, rector of UIC Barcelona


10.00 a.m.  Opening address Things to do with your teeth. Illustrated history of dental disease, Javier Moscoso (CSIC)

11.00 a.m.  Coffee break

11.30 a.m.  1st Presentation of Papers

  • Medical students and cadavers in modern-day Barcelona: rite of passage photographs (Estudiantes de Medicina y cadáveres en la Barcelona contemporánea: fotografías de un rito de paso), Alfons Zarzoso (Museum of History of Medicine of Catalonia, UIC Barcelona)
  • The body as a relic: mortal remains and spirituality in the photographic portrait of the AIDS epidemic (El cuerpo como reliquia: restos mortales y espiritualidad en el retrato fotográfico en la epidemia del SIDA), Laura Bravo López (University of Puerto Rico)
  • Visibility of illness through the corporate purpose. The DKV case, Estrella Barrio Fraile (UAB) 
  • When images no longer hurt.  Artificial intelligence and modern-day mourning on social networks (Cuando las imágenes ya no duelen.
  • Inteligencia artificial y duelos contemporáneos en las redes sociales), Tomás Zarza Núñez, Miguel Sánchez-Monita Rodriguez and Laura Fernández Garcia (URJC)

1.00 p.m.      Lunch

2.30 p.m.    Screening of the short film Four thirty (Cuatro treinta) (15 minutes), which addresses the subject of skin diseases and is supported by Psoriasis Action Association (Acción Psoriasis). Presentation: Anna Escurriola, director of the short film and lecturer at UIC Barcelona.

3.00 p.m.    Communications II

  • Narratives of illness in video games: Treating depression and anxiety through game characters (Narrativas de la enfermedad en los videojuegos: el tratamiento de la depresión y la ansiedad a través de sus personajes), Alfonso Freire-Sánchez (UAO CEU) and Montserrat Vidal-Mestre (UIC Barcelona)
  • “Sound and mental health in audiovisual fiction,” Adrien Faure-Carvallo (UB)
  • Openness and mental health: towards activism according toOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest(Obertament y la salud mental: hacia un activismo según “Alguien voló sobre el nido del cuco),” Jesús López González (UAO CEU)
  • Psychoanalytical symptom and death drive in “Euphoria” (Síntoma psicoanalítico y goce de muerte en “Euphoria”), Jorge Martínez Lucena (UAO CEU)

5.00 p.m.    Conference: From the patient image to the active gaze: a journey through visual representations of the illness, Rebeca Pardo (UIC Barcelona)

6.00 p.m.    Closing.

8.30 p.m.    Dinner


Friday, 11 November 2022

10.00 a.m.  2nd Presentation of Papers

  • Aging and cancer: the stories of 3 women in creative ethnographic design (Envelhecimento e cancro: as histórias de 3 mulheres em desenho etnográfico criativo), Susana de Noronha (Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra and guest assistant lecturer of ICS, Universidad del Mino, Portugal)
  • Cinema, add-on training for volunteers providing end-of-life support, Jordi Abad Lalanza (Oncolliga Foundation)
  • Emptied bodies, (in)appropriate bodies: meaning in the narrated experience of women without a uterus (Cuerpos vaciados, cuerpos (in)apropiados: el sentido en la experiencia narrada de mujeres sin útero),” Diana Fernández Romero (URJC)

11.30 a.m.  Coffee break

12.00 p.m.  Conference: Visual Narratives during COVID-19: between document and creation (Narrativas visuales en tiempos de COVID-19: entre el documento y la creación), Montse Morcate (UB)

1.00 p.m.    Lunch

2.30 p.m.    Screening of the documentary The Curve (La corba) (21 minutes) on the use of graph curves in the representation of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 Barcelona City Council Award-Grant

Project presentation: Jorge Luis Marzo, art historian, PhD in Cultural Studies and lecturer at BAU, School of Art and Design of Barcelona, specialist in iconology studies

3.00 p.m.    4th Presentation of Papers

  • Visibilising invisible symptoms: #LONGCOVID on Twitter (Visibilizando síntomas invisibles: #LONGCOVID en Twitter), Patricia Prieto-Blanco (University of Lancaster, UK)
  • The ideological prism in looking at images from the first wave of the pandemic in Spain (El prisma ideológico en la mirada a las imágenes de la pandemia en la primera ola en España), Francesc Pujol (UNAV)
  • The limits of biofiction in photography during COVID-19 (Los límites de la bioficción en la fotografía durante la COVID-19), Carla Gracia-Mercadé (UIC Barcelona)

5.00 p.m.    Closing-End of Conference

Registration form: https://narrativasvisuales.visibilizandolo.com/formulario-de-inscripcion