
2nd International Symposium: Care and Negligence in the Family Environment. Educational and Psychosocial Challenges and Proposals

Institute of Advanced Family Studies Barcelona Campus
Registration form9.00 a.m.:  Welcome
9.15 a.m.:  Inaugural address: 
  • Joaquim Molins Gil (President of the Joaquim Molins Figueras Foundation). 
  • Dr Montserrat Gas (Director of the Childcare and Family Policies Chair). 

9.45 a.m.: Opening session: Care and Negligence in the Family Environment: Impact on Child Development

Dr Harriet Ward Child and Family Research at Loughborough University.  

10.15 a.m.: Question time 

10.30 a.m.: Coffee-break 

11.00 a.m.: Round tableIntervention Programme Design

(Moderated by Marc Grau, researcher for the Childcare and Family Policies Chair)

  • Juan Calmaestra. Researcher at LAECOVI (Laboratory for Studies on Coexistence and Violence Prevention). University of Cordoba.
  • Montserrat Dolz Head of Psychiatry at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (Barcelona).
  • Rosa María Trenado Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Valencia. Member of the Research Unit: Aggression and Family 

11.30 a.m. Question time 

11.45 a.m. Round tableGood Practices in Addressing Certain Consequences of Negligence 

(Moderated by Consuelo León, director of the Childcare and Family Policies Chair’s Family Policies Observatory) 

  • Marta Poll Director of Fundació Salut Mental Catalunya. 
  • Cristina Ribes Director of the Gasol Foundation. 
  • Irene Montiel Psychologist and criminologist. Coordinator of the University Master's Degree in Cybercrime at UIC Barcelona. 

12.15 p.m.: Question time 

12.30 p.m.: Workshops (Mental Health, Obesity, Social Media / Bullying) 

1.30 p.m.: End of event