
8th Conference of the Service Learning Network of Catalan Universities

Different perspectives enrich learning: delve into interdisciplinary service learning (ApS)

Have you participated in service learning at the University? Are you familiar with the term and would you be interested in knowing more?

UIC Barcelona acull la VIII Jornada ApS(U) 2024 de la Xarxa d’Aprenentatge Servei d’Universitats Catalanes, de la qual és membre fundadora. L’objectiu de l’esdeveniment, obert a tot el PDI, és visibilitzar i compartir experiències i projectes d’aprenentatge servei interdisciplinaris de complexitat diversa entre assignatures o graus. 

UIC Barcelona, a founding member of the Service Learning Network of Catalan Universities, is hosting the 8th ApS(U) Conference 2024. The event is open to all teaching staff and its objective is to share and highlight interdisciplinary experiences and service learning projects of different complexity between subjects or degree courses.


  • 10:00 a.m. Welcome and inauguration
  • 10.15 a.m. Presentations of interdisciplinary experiences
  • 11.15 a.m. Round table
  • 11.45 a.m. Coffee break
  • 12.15 p.m. Workshop on Interdisciplinary ApS 
  • 1.45 p.m. End of conference

Deadline for registration: 15 June

Sign up here