
The ON Advertising Awards

Faculty of Communication Sciences Aula Jardí

The ON Awards is the first advertising festival organised by fourth year students from UIC Barcelona's Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. The awards were set up to demonstrate students’ talent to prestigious advertising agencies and clients.

Students and their advertising campaigns will be the protagonists of the ON Awards. This year the campaigns will focus on the Vicente Ferrer Foundation. The projects will be evaluated by prestigious representatives from the advertising sector and the campaigns can opt for two different award categories. There is an ON Award for Creativity and an ON Award for Effectiveness.  

The Faculty of Communication Sciences selected this event out of the various event projects presented for a module entitled "Event Organisation". The ideas behind the events were based on the proclamation of the UN’s General Assembly that 2015 is the "International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies".


Is free and the event is open to the whole university community, to family members and representatives from the advertising sector. Sign up here 


7:00pm_ Welcome

7:30pm_ Opening speech by Iván Lacasa, Dean of UIC-Barcelona's Faculty of Communication Sciences

7:40pm_ Speech from the Guest of Honor Jordi Urbea, CEO at Ogilvy One

7:50pm_ A presentation of the briefing from the Vicente Ferrer Foundation and advert screening

8:00pm_ Evaluation of the campaigns by the jury

8:05pm_ Awards presentation for the ON Effectiveness Award and the ON Creativity Award

8:15pm_ Closing speech by Iván Lacasa, Dean of UIC-Barcelona's Faculty of Communication Sciences

8:20pm_ Glass of cava  


In cooperation with AGAUR.