
AI Workshop | From Poem to Architecture Visualization through Artificial Intelligence

Aula A301

Workshop about using Artificial Intelligence visualization tools in translating poems into architectural designs and renders with Yomna K. Abdallah, Alberto T. Estévez, Jordi Bermejo and Xavier Escribano.

The topic is mainly exploiting the rich source of imaginary images and visuals from poems (English, Catalan, Spanish, Arabic), and how to extract from different poems the metaphors that can have spatial translation or representation in reality through design.

The type of poem and this process of analysis of meta meanings and metaphors and how to abstract them to keywords that are to be used in (AI text to image / AI text to video) convolution and diffusion models is an important and rich source of new concepts and gives architectural design and human imagination further aspects based on the richness of the words of a poem.

This workshop will be a one-day workshop, a session of a maximum 4 hours, and it will be interactive, thus, the participants for example will choose a poem of their preference and we will help them to extract its metaphorical spatial meanings and search the most relevant and representative keywords and use AI tools to generate visualizations of these poems.

The event will be open to all the students of UIC, with a maximum of 15 participants, so that in Aula 301 everyone can have one of the computers that are there.

  • Limited to the 15 first registrations: biodigital@uic.es