
Aprendizajes de vida | Alumni Meeting

Alumni UIC Barcelona Campus Barcelona

On 23 November, UIC Barcelona is organising a meeting of alumni from the graduating classes that will be celebrating 10, 15 and 20 years since they graduated from UIC Barcelona. The graduating classes of 2003, 2009 and 2013, from the degrees of ADE, Law, Humanities, Architecture, Journalism and Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations.

The meeting will include the participation of former footballer and coach Juan Carlos Unzué, who will give a talk entitled "Life lessons". 

Programme of the event:

  • Welcome and tour of the facilities
  • Alumni welcome
  • Conference with Juan Carlos Unzué
  • Space for faculties and coordinators
  • Networking

At the end of the session, an aperitif will be offered to the participants. We look forward to seeing you!