
Assessment in the AI era Seminar

Within the REMOTE project on online teacher assessment, where UIC Barcelona collaborates and is a partner of the project, the seminar "Assessment in the AI era" will be held on 2 November.

The session can be followed on Youtube through this link.


  • 11.00 h – Welcome and introduction to remote (Maria Manatos, Coordinator of the Studies and Analysis Office at A3ES)

  • 11.10 h – How can AI and CHATGPT change the way we assess higher education? (Marc Alier, Professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

  • 11.45 h – The impact of large language models on learning and assessment in higher education (Arlindo Oliveira, Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon)

  • 12.20 h – Round table with Q&A session:

Marilena Maniaci, Professor at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio & Member of the Governing Board of ANVUR)

Fabrizio Micari, Former Rector of the University of Palermo

Francesco Rattalino, Executive Vice-President of ESCP Business School (Paris)

Mari Elken, Professor at University of Oslo

Ana Gvritishvili, ESU member

  • 12.55 h – Closing remarks (Carme Edo, Senior Advisor at AQU)