
Award ceremony for the 2nd Puig Foundation Teaching Innovation Grant

Aula d'Innovació Docent The Saló de Graus Room. Campus Barcelona

The aim of the Puig Foundation Teaching Innovation Grant is to support the work of the teaching staff at UIC Barcelona in the form of future contributions to innovative projects that pursue teaching excellence by improving the students’ learning process and enhancing teaching quality at UIC Barcelona. 

This grant also serves to encourage lecturers to undertake more innovative activities that may be replicated, in certain cases, by the rest of the teaching body at UIC Barcelona.

Event schedule 

1.30 p.m.

Introduction and welcome by Dr Jaume Armengou, vice-rector for Academic Organisation and International Relations.

1.35 p.m.

Presentation of the conclusions of the project awarded the 2016 Puig Foundation Teaching Innovation Grant: “Gamification and the Development of Computational Thought: Mobile Applications and Educational Robotics for the Acquisition of Digital Competence and Educational Digital Competence", but Dr Mónica Fernández Morilla and Dr Cristina Galván, from the Faculty of Education. 

1.55 p.m.

Words by Xavier Puig, president of the Puig Foundation. 

2.00 p.m.

Reading of the jury’s decision by Elena Santa María, jury secretary.

2.05 p.m.

Awarding of the cheque to the winner of the 2nd Puig Foundation Grant by Xavier Puig. Words of thanks.

2.15 p.m.

Closing address by Dr Jaume Armengou, vice-rector for Academic Organisation and International Relations.

2.20 p.m.

Glass of cava.

Admission is free for the entire university community (please confirm attendance at: innoaula@uic.es).