
Award ceremony for the Fundació Puig Teaching Innovation Grant

Servei d'innovació i Qualitat Educativa Auditori de la Facultat d'Educació

The Vice-Rector for Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff, Dr Jaume Armengou, would like to invite you to the awards ceremony for the Fundació Puig Teaching Innovation Grant. The ceremony will take place on 27 May, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the Auditorium in the Faculty of Education (c/Terré 11-19, Barcelona).  


. A few words from Mr Xavier Puig, President of Fundació Puig.

. Presentation of the results of the teaching innovation project awarded with the grant from the University Advisory Council (CAU) in 2014.

. Reading of the resolution of the jury in relation to the grant.

. Award of the Fundació Puig Teaching Innovation Grant.

. A few words from the prize-winners.

. Closing speech

. Glass of cava

We ask you to please confirm your attendance by 24 May by writing to Elena Santa María (elenasm@uic.es)