
B-DAY: Moving Towards the Future

Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences Main Lecture Hall - Aula Magna

B-DAY is back at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences! At the fifth edition of this event aimed at future businesspeople and young entrepreneurs, students must meet the challenges they are given in teams based on three different areas:  

  1. The sharing economy 
  2. The environment
  3. The internet of things

To do so, they will use the active methodology called “design thinking” that provides solutions through the creation of an “empathy map” The aim will be to identify, understand and empathise with end clients. 


9.00 a.m.

B-DAY opening day:  Moving Towards The Future

9.15 p.m.

An introduction to the three areas from the following mentors who will give inspirational talks: 

- The Sharing Economy: Roger Llovet, co-founder of Nautal, with a talk entitled “The Sharing Economy: An Unstoppable Phenomenon”.

- The Environment: Daniel Hires, social entrepreneur, with a talk entitled “Advocating for the Environment: Designing Sustainability Solutions”.

- The Internet of Things: David de Nadal, digital architect in area of sales strategies at Oracle, with “The Internet of Things: Next is Now!”.

- Design Thinking methodology: Irati Lekue, founder of Make The Way and co-founder of Coala, with the presentation “User Experience-Centred Innovation”.

10.30 a.m.

Teamwork in the assigned classrooms. 

11.00 a.m.

Workshop and breakfast. 

11.30 a.m.

Teamwork in the assigned classrooms.

3.30 p.m.

Announcement -in the classroom- of the challenges that have achieved finalist status

4.15 p.m.

Presentation of the challenges that have become finalists in the Main Lecture Hall

5 p.m.

Closing session and prize-giving


The juries for the three areas will be:

The Sharing Economy

Roger Llovet, director of Operations and co-founder of Nautal

Carlos Lascorz, head of Business Development for Airbnb

Albert Givernau, director of Think Outside The Box Academy

Marta Mas, dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at UIC Barcelona

Frederic Marimon, vice-dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at UIC Barcelona


The Environment

Daniel Hires, social entrepreneur at projecthires.com

Kristian Estevez, professor of World Economics at UIC Barcelona

Nina Magomedova, professor of Corporate Governance and Entrepreneurship at UIC Barcelona

Ernest Solé, professor of Finance and Accounting at UIC Barcelona


The Internet of Things

David de Nadal, Digital Arquitect at Oracle

Jordi Villena, cloud platform sales consultant at Oracle

Carlos Cosials, IoT senior business consultant at Integral PLM Experts and director of the Master’s Degree in Big Data at UIC Barcelona

Marçal Amado, professor of Operations Management at UIC Barcelona

Jasmina Berbegal, director of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems at UIC Barcelona

 In cooperation with: