
Blood donation campaign

Universitaris Solidaris Campus Sant Cugat: Campus entranceway | Campus Barcelona: Entranceway to the Aula Magna and the back part of the Salón de Grados room
There is a continuous need for donations. All the hospitals and clinics in Catalonia need blood or blood cells in order to care for their patients on a daily basis, since the majority of surgical interventions and many medical treatments require transfusions. Blood donation is a simple safe and painless act which is monitored by specialised professionals at all times. For you, giving blood is safe and not at all painful. For others, it may be a life saver.
Campus Sant Cugat: Campus entranceway
Campus Barcelona: Entranceway to the Aula Magna and the back part of the Salón de Grados room  
From 10.30 to 14.30 h