
Breakfasts on Family Law

Faculty of Law Aula Jardí

What is the future of Family Law? On 22 November, the Faculty of Law is hosting a breakfast in which participants will discuss controversial issues, social change and the challenges that lie ahead. 

Attendees will include:

Pilar Fernández, dean of the Faculty of Law at UIC Barcelona

Joaquim de Miquel, representative of the Board of Governors at the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB)

María Dolores Lozano, president of the Spanish Association of Family Lawyers

Maria Mercè Mira, president of the Catalan Society of Family Lawyers (SCAF)

Ramon Quintano, Family Law lecturer in the Faculty of Law

José Antonio García, spokesperson for the Board of the SCAF, member of the Marriage and Family Law Section of the ICAB and head of Family Law Jurisprudence for the journal Revista Jurídica de Catalunya