
Collaborative economy

Plataforma Collaborate

The aim of this workshop, which will be streamed via the Collaborate platform in English, is to explain the what the features and functions of cooperatives and companies using digital platforms to carry out their activities are, as well as the future challenges they will face. Various international academics will participate in this seminar and will present their research on the collaborative economy within a digital environment.

Follow the workshop herehttps://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/c90774b799054909807d7e623d106c55


10 - 10.15 a.m. Welcome

Dr Frederic Marimon Viadiu, vice-rector for Planning and Quality at UIC Barcelona.

10.15 am - 11 am Opening session

Dr Mareike Möhlmann (University of Warwick): "Algorithmic Management in Collaborative Transport Services.

11.00 - 11.40 a.m. Research in the field of the collaborative economy within a digital environment

Edoardo Chiariotti (The Graduate Institute, Geneva): "Trading through Platforms. Evidence from AliExpress".

Burçin Guçlu (La Salle): "City Characteristics that Attract Airbnb Travellers. Evidence from Europe".

11.40 a.m. - 12 p.m. Questions and answers

12 p.m. Closing session



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