
Current tax litigation situation

The Spanish Association of Tax Advisors and the Faculty of Law Aula Magna

The Spanish Association of Tax Advisors and the Faculty of Law are organising an event to be held on 28 March entitled:  Current tax litigation situation. The current status quo will be analysed by various experts in this area. 


9.15 a.m. Opening speech by Financial and Tax law lecturer, State lawyer on secondment and Tax Controversy partner at EY, Dr Jordi De Juan, and delegate for Catalonia for the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors, Jordi Baqués i Artó

9.30 a.m. Recent criteria provided by the Economic-Administrative Court of Catalonia on the deduction of costs in the field of professionals; application of the exemption to article 7 of the LIRPF, and the scope of the faculty in terms of dictating a new tax after a contested resolution.  Speakers: the president of the Regional Economic-Administrative Court of Catalonia, Mr Xavier Maria Suñé, and associate lecturer in the Department of Public Economics at the UB as well as managing director of Premier Tax Procedures, Jaime Rodríguez.

10.15 a.m. Colloquium.

10.30 a.m. Round table on relevant declarations by the High Court of Justice of Catalonia on tax issues during 2018: special attention is paid to the issue of notifications and suspensions involving the contentious-administrative route. Speakers: Magistrate and President of the First Section of the Contentious-Administrative Court in the High Court of Justice of Catalonia, Maria Abelleira, who is also a lawyer and head of the area of tax procedures at ETL Global-Linkservices. Esther Virgilio.

11.15 a.m. Colloquium.

11.30 a.m. Coffee break

11.50 a.m. Round table: The growing impact of European Union Law on recent national jurisprudence.  Speakers: Magistrate and President of the Second Section of the Contentious-Administrative Court at the National Court of Spain Jesús Maria Calderón and financial and tax law lecturer at UIC Barcelona, Alberto Heras.

12.35 p.m. Colloquium.

12.50 p.m. Round table: The new model of appeals for cassation in tax cases.  Speakers: the Magistrate of the Contentious-Administrative Court at the Spanish Supreme Court and UIC Barcelona lecturer, Jordi de Juan Casadevall.

13.35 p.m. Colloquium.

13.50p.m. Closing speech from the dean of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Law, Pilar Fernández.



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