
Flash PhDay

Doctoral School

The Doctoral School organizes on May 5th a networking day and poster exhibition aimed at doctoral students.

Do you want to meet other students from different programs and present your research in a day full of surprises? This event is for you! Taking advantage of the "Present your thesis in 4 minutes" competition, we invite you to this first meeting among the UIC Barcelona doctoral student community. 


  • 13.30 p.m. - Welcome
  • 14.00 p.m. - Networking Lunch
  • 15.30 p.m. - Tour of the poster exhibition
  • 17.30 p.m. - Contest “Present your thesis in 4 minutes”
  • 19.30 p.m. - Closing ceremony and cava

For whom it is?
This event is aimed at any doctoral student at UIC Barcelona. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the UIC, the Doctoral School is organizing Flash PhDay, where doctoral students can share their research with the entire university community in a day open to the public. It will also be a unique opportunity to learn about the different lines of work of colleagues, strengthen interdisciplinary relationships and generate possible collaborations.

Deadline for submission of poster proposals: April 21, 2023
Deadline for RSVP: April 24, 2023

Rules exhibition of informative posters