
Foros 2017: Lecture by the GOIG studio “Producción Skype”

ESARQ-School of Architecture UIC Barcelona C/ Immaculada, 22, Barcelona

Next Monday 6 March, the ESARQ-School of Architecture at UIC Barcelona will play host to a lecture by the platform for architectural production GOIG, as part of the Foros 2017 lecture series The Agency of Architecture.

Under the title "Producción skype", the speakers will examine the topics and concepts on which their joint work is based; ideas which influence the shape and aesthetics of their designs, and expand to construct a unique narrative that encompasses their entire production. The purpose is to provide an explanation not only of the products but of the processes that define their studio, marked by distance, YouTube and realism.

GOIG is an architecture studio that looks for the joy of inhabiting. It was founded in 2015 and is run by Pol Esteve and Miquel Mariné.

Pol Esteve holds an undergraduate degree in Architecture from the Barcelona School of Architecture and a Master's Degree in History and Critical Thinking from the Architectural Association School of Architecture (2012). He has collaborated with MACBA, Olga Subirós Studio and Cloud9 in Barcelona and R & Sie (n) in Paris. He currently teaches at the Architectural Association School of Architecture and is a PhD candidate at The Bartlett (University College London). Miquel Mariné holds an undergraduate degree in Architecture from the Barcelona School of Architecture (2005). He also attended the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical University of Delft (TU Delft). He previously collaborated with Plasmastudio in London and Carles Muro in Barcelona. He currently teaches at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB); the ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering; the ESDi Higher School of Design; and as part of the Master's programme at the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED). He won the FAD Opinion Award in 2015.

GOIG's work has featured in both national and international publications.

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