
Foros 2021 | Jorge Riechmann: "Outlook on eco-social collapse. A catastrophic end to Modernity?”

UIC Barcelona School of Architecture Online lecture

On 24 March, writer, activist and senior lecturer in the Department of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Jorge Riechmann, will speak during the Foros series of lectures. His talk, to be given online, will be entitled “Outlook on eco-social collapse. A catastrophic end to Modernity?”.

Jorge Riechmann

As he tells us, “In the third decade of the century of the Great Test, our societies should be seeking deep and rapid reintegration into nature: self-containment strategies, biomimetics, and reforestation. But the dominant culture continues to pursue the counterproductive dream of domination, and the flight forward continues with very destructive consequences.”

In addition to his poems, Reichmann has excelled in recent years for highly lucid essays such as one entitled ¿Derrotó el smartphone al movimiento ecologista? (Has the smartphone defeated environmentalism?) (2016), ¿Vivir como buenos huérfanos? (Living like good orphans) (2017), Ecosocialismo descalzo (Barefoot Ecosocialism) (2018) and Otro fin del mundo es posible [Another end of the world is possible] (2019). He also writes his own blog www.tratarde.org

Under the title “Expectations”, Foros 2021 will undertake a reflection on the reconstruction scenario as a result of the COVID-19 crisis in all spheres of society, with a special focus on architecture and urban planning.

Language: Spanish with simultaneous interpretation into English

Link for free access: https://zoom.us/j/93023901941