
Graduation ceremony of Bachelor’s Degree of the Faculty of Communication Sciences

Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació

The dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences is delighted to invite you to the graduation ceremony that will take place on Friday, 3 June, at 7.00 p.m., in the University’s Aula Magna lecture theatre.

Beforehand, at 6 p.m., we will hold a mass to give thanks for these years of learning and growth.


  • Commencement
  • Keynote speech by Mr. Eduardo García, director of Radioestadio, sports programme of Onda Cero. Presentation by Mr Francesc Robert, director of Atresmedia Radio a Catalunya
  • Alumni community welcome speech
  • Awarding of diplomas
  • Speech by the graduating class representative.
  • Closing address from the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
  • University’s traditional anthem Gaudeamus Igitur
  • Refreshments

Restricted access: invitations limited to graduating students and their families.