
Healthcare sector: Current trends and impact on the employability of recent graduates

Room P0L02

The Alumni & Careers department invites you to attend the colloquium with job market experts, headhunters and human resources managers. Under the title “Healthcare sector: Current trends and impact on the employability of recent graduates,” there will be two sessions, one on each campus with different focuses.

If any of these questions interest you, this session is for you:
- Do you know which professional skills are in highest demand in the Health Sector? 
- What profile are private and public companies looking for in junior candidates?
- Where the is demand higher and which sectors have been hit the hardest?
- Would you like to know how to approach a headhunter?

This session will allow you to learn first-hand about the trends in the professional healthcare market. Special emphasis on the more junior candidates, profiles and skills in highest demand in 2023 health sector. You will also have the opportunity to discuss and share opinions with the speakers and other attendees.

At the end of the event, speakers and attendees will have a time for networking. 

Health Sector Session (Sant Cugat Campus)

  • Day and time: Wednesday, 8 March, 3.00 to 4.00 p.m.
  • Place: Room P0L02



  • Isabella Meneghel, Professor of the Grau en Psicologia de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut de UIC Barcelona.

Places are limited. The session is designed for students in their last years and recent graduates, however it is also open to the UIC Barcelona university community and alumni. 

Questions & Concerns: careercenter@uic.cat.