
III International Seminar on the Anthropology of Corporality

SARX (Research Group in the Anthropology of Corporality), Faculty of Humanities
Feet on the ground: walking, running, dancing


To remain standing, to get on track, to put down roots, to have your feet on the ground, to walk on tiptoe, to leave a footprint...these are all expressions that  describe a physical action as well as an existential or life-affirming situation.  "Feet on the ground", the II International Seminar on the Anthropology of Corporality organised by SARX (Research Group in the Anthropology of Corporality) puts forward a reflection on human nature based on the multiple levels of meaning that can be found in bipedalism and the vertical posture of the human body. These have been expressed in various forms throughout history. 

Therefore, along with experts, anatomy, philosophy, pedagogy, art, architecture, literature or theology will be explored, starting off from other issues related to anatomical structure and the function of the foot as it walks, to the symbolism of the naked foot when walking on sacred earth. This will all be based on the aim of looking further in-depth into knowledge of the human being from a cross-disciplinary perspective on corporal reality.

For further information.