
International Symposium: "Older Parents, Generations and Intergenerational Solidarity within the Family"


The main objective of the International Symposium is to discuss emerging research streams in the study of family intergenerational solidarity, interpreted in the light of the findings from two national sample surveys carried out in Italy and Spain. A secondary objective of the Symposium is to foster an interdisciplinary glance on family intergenerational solidarity, contrasting the theoretical assumptions and empirical evidence of the Italian and Spanish studies, carried out according to the paradigm of relational sociology, with contributions from other social sciences related to Sociology.

Scientific committee: Montserrat Gas Aixendri  (UIC Barcelona), Rita Cavallotti (UIC Barcelona), Giovanna Rossi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano), Donatella Bramanti (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano), Francesco Marcaletti (UIC Barcelona). 

*Symposium languages: Spanish, Italian and English.


Place: Campus Barcelona. Salón de Grados
Organized by: Institute for Advanced Family Studies and Santander IsFamily Chair