
International Women’s Day

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we want to join the commemoration of women’s struggles to participate in society and develop fully as people. 

From 6 to 8 March, the following awareness-raising activities will be held on both campuses:

Wednesday 6
Monologue by the Big Van company; a relaxed, scientific live performance. A scientific revolution that aims to transform society through humour and science.
Time: 2.30 p.m. Aula Jardí.
Thursday 7
From Hildegard of Bingen to Frida Kahlo. Art history’s forgotten artists’ conference by Dr Judith Urbano, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities.
Time: 2.15 p.m. Alfa 502.
Friday 8
Screening of the film ‘Hidden Figures’ with pizza, popcorn and a debate. 

Time: 2 p.m. Cafeteria

Wednesday 6
Round table: ‘Are motherhood and academia compatible?’. The table will include three researchers who are mothers, at different stages of their academic careers: Dr Núria Casals, professor, director of the Doctorate School and head of an important research team, Dr Maria Fernández-Capo, director of the Basic Sciences Department and head of an up-and-coming research group, and Ms Begoña Bosch, a PhD student who is about to defend her thesis. The discussion will be moderated by Ms Laura Rubio, head of Communication and the Rectorate’s Office.  
Time: 12 noon. Auditori of the Sant Cugat Campus
Friday 8
Monologue by the Big Van company; a relaxed, scientific live performance. A scientific revolution that aims to transform society through humour and science.
Time: 2 p.m.