
IV Conference on Teaching Humanities at Baccalaureate Level

Faculty of Humanities and Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya Campus Barcelona. The Saló de Graus Room and Alfa 501 - 502 classroom

Research projects: Science or fiction?

Throughout this event we aim to think about and hold debates on the various difficulties that arise when undertaking research projects as part of the upper-secondary school humanities track:  How do schools plan this activity?  How is the topic chosen in each case and discipline?  How can we encourage students to work?  What methodologies should be used in each case?  What materials should be used?  What type of monitoring is undertaken or should be undertaken? How are these types of projects analysed suitably? 

Renowned experts and professors will help us to reflect and hold a debate on these and other subjects that can subsequently be applied in the classroom and also in schools. 

9.30 h 

Teaching experiences

  • Presentation of the project Gust i Passió per Investigar, Carme Pique, Institute El Cairat, Esparreguera
  • Presentation of the Arnau de Vilanova Award
  • Presentation of UIC Barcelona Prize for Research Projects

11.00 h 

Coffee break

11.30 h 

Simultaneous workshops. Block II

Note: It is necessary to bring along an electronic gadget that can connect to the internet, such as a laptop, a tablet or a mobile phone.

D. Language and literature:  "Enrecerca't con la lengua y la literatura" - how to incorporate research into language and literature classes, Laura Arnal (Exporecerca). Description and application of content- based projects undertaken in the past by secondary school pupils.

E. Social Sciences. Studying or making history?”  - An approach to social science research in the classroom in the field of history, Manuel Belmonte (Exporecerca)

13.00 h 

Closing Conference: Undertaking research projects, a challenge for secondary school teachers and pupils, by María Pilar Menoyo, from the INS Juan Manuel Zafra School (Barcelona)

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