
Lecture by the architect, lecturer and theorist Luis Martínez Santa-María at Foros 2016, “Origin”

School of Architecture de UIC Barcelona Aula Magna – C/ Immaculada, 22, Barcelona

Madrid architect Luis Martínez Santa-María will be lecturing on “Weight and Matter” in the framework of the Foros 2016 cycle, “Origin”, organized by the School of Architecture at UIC Barcelona, and reflecting on the influence of these two elements on architectural creation.

Next Monday, 15 February, the School of Architecture at UIC Barcelona hosts the second lecture of Foros 2016, “Origin”. The lecture, which is open to the public and will take place at 19:00 in the Main Hall of the UIC Barcelona Campus, is given by Luis Martínez Santa-María, Doctor of Architecture from the Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM). Martínez Santa-María is renowned both for his design work, and as a teacher and the author of various publications reflecting on architecture.

With the title “Weight and Matter”, the guest speaker will be examining how some architecture works and projects combine these two concepts in a way that constantly escapes reality. According to Martínez Santa-María “architecture belongs to the physical world, in which bodies and objects have a weight, and move towards and away from each other and us, by virtue of their material condition”.

Luis Martínez Santa-María combines teaching and editorial work with his ongoing activity in the studio as integral parts of his commitment to architecture. He has lectured in Projects at the ETSAM since 1990, and his doctoral thesis “Tierra espaciada: el árbol, el camino, el estanque ante la casa” was awarded the UPM’s Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award in 2000. Since 2005 he has been director of La Cimbra, the book collection of Fundación Caja de Arquitectos. His body of architecture work reflects his interest in the floor plan, which, according to Martínez Santa-María, generates architecture and concentrates the intellectual capacity of the architect.

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