
Lecture: “Freedom, Truth and University”

Aula Magna

On 18 January, Dr Mariano Fazio will give a lecture at UIC Barcelona titled “Freedom, Truth and University.” (Aula Magna, 3.00 p.m.).

Mariano Fazio (Buenos Aires, 1960) is a priest, historian and philosopher, lecturer of the History of Political Doctrines at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, of which he has been rector. He currently works in Rome, as vicar general of Opus Dei.

Author of more than thirty books, among others Libertad para amar a través de los clásicos [Freedom to Love Through the Classics] (2022) and Countercurrent... Towards Freedom (2021), Fazio will share his reflections with us and then there will be a brief colloquium and a time to ask him questions.