
Literary Gathering with writer Jordi Nadal

Servei d'Estudiants

For this literary gathering, we have invited writer Jordi Nadal, founder of Plataforma Editorial, columnist for La Vanguardia and author of Libroterapia, a book that we will discuss in this session.

“Science confirms more and more the benefits of books. Studies show that the effects of reading can be compared to the effects of meditation and medicine. Readers sleep better, have lower levels of stress and depression, and higher self-esteem than non-readers. Reading prolongs life and changes us in an essential way; good fiction expands our horizons, helps us understand others better, makes us empathic.” Libroterapia, Jordi Nadal

  • Day and time: Tuesday, November 29, 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Place: Saló de Graus, Barcelona Campus, UIC Barcelona

It is not necessary to have read the book to attend the meeting, but if you bring it, the author will be able to sign it!