
Live Online Informative Session Master of International Cooperation in Sustainable Emergency Architecture

School of Architecture online via WebEx

Want to make a positive impact on the world through architecture and design? If you’re interested in social impact design and have a degree in Architecture, Urban Planning, Urban Design, Engineering, Environmental Design, Geography or similar field, you’ll want to find out more about our program, an MSc degree that prepares architects urba practitioners to develop and rebuild communities affected by rapid urbanization, poverty, conflict and natural disasters. Situated in Barcelona, our program boasts an exceptionally international student body and a prestigious faculty comprised by the likes of Sergio Palleroni, Teddy Cruz, Marie Aquilino and Nabeel Hamdi, and institutions like UN-Habitat, UNRWA, MSF and IFRC, among others.

Join us on Wednesday, July 1st at 4:00pm (GMT+2), when we’ll be hosting a live online information session via WebEx to answer all of your questions. Co-director of the program, Carmen Mendoza will present a brief overview of the curriculum and key aspects of the program and then take questions from attendees.

To attend, please send an email to Isabel Moreno (imorenoy@uic.es) with your name and nationality to receive an invite and further instructions.

The Master of International Cooperation in Sustainable Emergency Architecture is the only masters with a joint focus on international cooperation, sustainable urban development and emergency architecture, promoting a holistic approach that integrates interdisciplinary knowledge and citizen participation and enables practitioners to manage projects in cooperation and sustainable development ranging from the urban to the architectural scale. The program boasts a prestigious roster of international professors and collaborating institutions and forms part of the Erasmus Mundus European Cooperation Program. It is located in Barcelona at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC). Learn more at www.masteremergencyarchitecture.com.