
Online lecture: “The Impact of artificial intelligence on the business world”

Observatory on Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies Online

According to many experts, artificial intelligence will have a profound impact on the business world over the coming years. It will generate a multitude of opportunities and change business models and forms of management.

At the lecture on 17 March at 2.30 p.m., organised by the UIC Barcelona Observatory on Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies (OIANT), a leading expert from the world of management will explore these issues, provide an overview of the situation and suggest the keys to success that every business manager should bear in mind.

This online lecture titled “The impact of artificial intelligence on the business world” will be given by guest speaker Xavier Marcet. A consultant in strategy, innovation and transformation with extensive international experience, he also runs Lead To Change, a boutique consultancy firm that works with a wide range of companies.

Marcet is an adjunct lecturer at the Barcelona School of Management (UPF) and chairs the Management Board at Euncet Business School. He is the founding president of the Barcelona Drucker Society, a movement dedicated to the humanisation of management and business. He writes articles on management for La Vanguardia, as well as for the online journal Sintetia.com. He has written several books, the most recent of which is titled Esquivar la Mediocridad (‘Dodging mediocrity’; Plataforma Editorial, 2018).

The session will be moderated by Dr Gabriel Fernández Borsot, director of the OIANT and lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities at UIC Barcelona.

You can attend the lecture online by clicking here.