
Open lecture by Harquitectes, awarded at the XIII Spanish Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, at Foros 2016 “Origin”

School of Architecture de UIC Barcelona Aula Magna – C/ Immaculada, 22, Barcelona

Under the title "The Nature of Buildings", the members of Harquitectes will be giving an open lecture within the framework of the Foros 2016 cycle, “Origin”, organised by the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture. In their own words, published by El Croquis: "We are interested in the behaviour of the building and their potential to supply and adapt the conditions for the envisaged and also unplanned activities. When we factor in time, the architecture ceases to be merely a building-object and becomes its behaviour. The sustainable nature of our architecture emerges from this approach."

Harquitectes is an architecture studio established in 2000 and based in Sabadell, Barcelona. It is managed by four partner architects: David Lorente Ibáñez (Granollers, 1972), Josep Ricart Ulldemolins (Cerdanyola del Vallès, 1973), Xavier Ros Majó (Sabadell, 1972) and Roger Tudó Galí (Terrassa, 1973). All of them graduated between 1998 and 2000 from the E.T.S.A. Vallès, where Josep and Roger teach the Projects and Construction subjects. Xavier also teaches Projects at E.T.S.A. Barcelona.

Their work has received some recognitions and awards –for built works and also for ideas competitions. It also has been published in various national and international media sources and selected for several exhibitions. They have been invited as lecturers to many events in Europe and America. This week, they were awarded at the XIII Spanish Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism in the “Urban planning and city landscape” category for their project entitled House 1014.

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