
Presentación del libro «Development in Context: Challenges and Sustainable Strategies»

School of Architecture
On behalf of the MSc of International Cooperation Sustainable Emergency Architecture, we’d like to invite you to an informal book launch in which we’ll be presenting our latest publication: Development in Context: Challenges and Sustainable Strategies. Edited by the program’s codirector Carmen Mendoza, alumni Mbongeni Ngulube and editor Ana Cañizares, it is our second publication following Reflections published back in 2011.
Development in Context features a collection of articles on urban upgrading and other spatial practices in the field of development written by former students and current faculty members of the Master of International Cooperation Sustainable Emergency Architecture at the School of Architecture of Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.The volume takes a broad ethnographic view of the urban poor through discussions on urbanism, and though it explores larger ideas like sustainable development, it does so in reference to specific issues and case studies. In this way, the book moves away from the discourse of development to observe concrete development in the only form it can be acted upon--that is, in context. While development remains an elusive thing, its associated practices, rituals and institutions constitute real experiences that positively and negatively affect Innumerable communities around the globe. From this perspective, the book contributes a collection of refreshingly solution-oriented critical debates to a discipline facing theoretical impasse.
We’re eager to share this with our friends and colleagues, and would like to take the opportunity to once again thank our contributing alumni who devoted their time and paitience to this project. We hope some of you can join us for drinks and snacks on the garden out in front of Aula Jardín at UIC at 7pm this Friday.