
Presentation of a book entitled “Com fer recerca”

Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences The Saló de Graus Room. Campus Barcelona,

The full title of the book presented is “Com fer recerca: treball de final de grau, tesi de màster, tesis doctoral i altres projectes de recerca". Experts from all branches of science participated in this publication. This is a project undertaken in conjunction with the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED) and the Catalan Association of Accounting and Management (ACCID). 


— Dr Frederic Marimon, full professor at UIC Barcelona, vice-dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, president of the Academic Doctoral Committee for Economics and Law and co-author of the book.
— Dr Ramon Bastida, adjunct lecturer in the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (UIC Barcelona) and co-author of the book.
— Dr Oriol Amat, full professor at Pompeu Fabra University, president of ACCID and the CEC Accounting Committee, academic at the RAED and co-author of the book.