
Presentation of the book entitled ‘Dalí. Art_Science_Cybernetics’

Auditori Terré

Dali expert Anna Pou van den Bossche will present her book Dalí. Art_Science_Cybernetics for
the first time on 17 January, at the UIC Barcelona Auditorium (c/ Terré 11-19) in Barcelona. In
this book, the author and UIC Barcelona Digital Humanities lecturer explores the outcome of
her doctoral thesis at the University, the relationship of the artist with technology. A study of
Dali’s work that discovers chips and circuits printed in gold in the works of this genius and
artist from Figueres.

Pou is also the curator of the immersive experience “Dalí Cybernetics” at the Ideal Centre for
Digital Arts in Barcelona, which will be on world tour for the next four years, and the
immersive experience “Barcelona Memòria Fotogràfica.”