
Presentation of UIC Barcelona’s new Experience Campus

An increasing number of active people are reaching retirement age in good health and with long life expectancy. Society must take advantage of their energy, talent and experience. 

Retirement-age individuals need to set specific goals and remain active, maintain and increase their personal networks and pursue new projects. It is a great time to go to university, which is our window of opportunity. 

To cater to these individuals, UIC Barcelona is launching an Experience Campus, which follows the methodology used by the leading universities in this field, i.e. academic rigour and individual attention, with a diverse range of subjects that respond to different personal interests; and a methodology which encourages participation and provides the psychological and instrumental tools needed to remain active in this new stage. 

In a predominantly young environment that breathes enthusiasm, the Experience Campus offers participants the chance to be part of the university community, research groups and all manner of activities. 

This introductory session is therefore intended for anyone who is preparing to reach, about to reach or has reached this age, as well as anyone who might be interested, including heads of human resource departments, representatives from entities that work with senior citizens, family members, etc.

Location: Auditorium in the Faculty of Education at UIC Barcelona
Terré 11-19, 08017 - Barcelona