
Public hearing on the accreditation process of the Docentia Manual

Rector’s Office

On 30 November an External Evaluation Committee appointed ad hoc by AQU Catalonia will visit the University in order to accredit the UIC Barcelona Docentia Manual.

The main objective of this accreditation visit is to assess the application and function of the evaluation processes designed in our teaching evaluation manual. This objective rests on the principles of transparency, the satisfaction of agents and giving accounts.

The Specific Committee for the Evaluation of Merits and Individual Activities (CEMAI) will approve the process and the methodology.

The self-evaluation report prepared and presented in this accreditation process is made available to the entire educational community on the UIC Barcelona Educational Quality website

We would also like to inform you that in addition to other types of scheduled hearings, there will be a public hearing that is open to anyone interested in expressing their opinion about the development of teaching evaluation. This public hearing will take place on 30 November from 3.45 to 4.15 p.m. in the Rector’s Office.