
Second Seminar on Phenomenology of the Body and Experiences of Joy

Saló de Graus

The Faculty of Humanities of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya is organising the second Seminar on Fenomenología del Cuerpo y Experiencias de Gozo [Phenomenology of the Body and Experiences of Joy] with the cooperation of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Catalan Society of Philosophy (IEC). 


Friday, 24 November

Saló de Graus, Barcelona Campus (C/Immaculada, 22)

  • 9.30 - 11.30 a.m. | Bernat Torres, “Can we talk about false pleasures? A discussion from Plato’s Philebo” | Pilar Fernández Beites, “Sensations of pleasure and types of enjoyment”
  • 12.00 - 2.00 p.m. | Graciela Fainstein, “Female sexuality and empathy” | Miguel Armando Martínez “Emotional stratification and the Max Scheler’s interconnection of joy and suffering”

Closing session at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (c/ Carme, 47)

  • 5.00 p.m. | Pau Pedragosa, “Sensitive pleasure as reflectivity of the body in Husserl and Freud”

For more information, contact Xavier Escribano (xescriba@uic.es)