
Seminar "Casa Gralla, from the Renaissance to the 20th Century: Architecture and Social Distinction" at the MUHBA

Museu d’Història de Barcelona (MUHBA) Plaça del Rei, s/n (Sala Martí l’Humà) 08002 Barcelona

On 3 May, Dr Judith Urbano, lecturer from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture and curator of the exhibition "Casa Gralla. El periple d’un monument" [Casa Gralla: The Journey of a Monument], will deliver a lecture entitled "Les vicissituds de la casa Gralla" [The Vicissitudes of Casa Gralla]. It has been organised as part of the seminar "Casa Gralla, from the Renaissance to the 20th Century: Architecture and Social Distinction" at the Museum of the History of Barcelona (MUHBA).

The seminar will discuss the arrival of Renaissance trends to Barcelona and the impact they had on the city's architecture; a city with a ruling class enamoured of Gothic style. Casa Gralla was the largest private building to adopt the formal codes of the Renaissance. The seminar will also address the monumental value of several other Renaissance-style buildings in Barcelona from the 19th and 20th centuries.

Free entrance. Reservations are recommended.