
Series of workshops: Learning how to love

Institute of Avanced Family Studies The Saló de Graus room. Campus Barcelona

Registration Form

This series of conferences is organised by the Institute for Advanced Family Studies. The workshops will tackle the following topics: 

  • The body as a the language of the individual
  • Sexuality, sex and sexual activity
  • Knowing about and valuing fertility
  • The task of moving from attraction to love
  • Emotional education 

To be given by Pilar Lacorte, a lawyer and also the Coordinator of the Postgradate Degree in Marriage and Family Education;  Núria Marcet, an architect; and Juanjo Sanz, holder of a PhD in medicine. 

The workshops will take place on:  

  • Dates: 25 February, 3, 10 and 17 March (Thursday). 
  • Timetable: 3:30 to 5 p.m.
  • Location: The Saló de Graus room. 

This activity is free and can be accredited with one ECTS.