
On-Site Workshops | How to successfully pass an interview in English

Careers services P0L2

Who hasn't panicked when going to a job interview? And in English? The job interview in English is a very common practice in selection processes. So, it is important to prepare for the interview to put yourself forth as the best candidate you can be.

In this last workshop of the job market tools series, we will learn:

  • The different tools needed to successfully complete a selection process.
  • We will discuss how to deal with several different phases of the process and learn about the different types of interviews in selection procedures.
  • We will identify what recruiters expect from the question and learn how to respond in an assertive, effective and impressive way.

This includes understanding and preparing the main aspects to consider and the types of interviews that you may be given.

Career Services de UIC Barcelona et proposa participar en aquest taller presencial, en què, de manera pràctica i conjunta, aprendrem a organitzar la informació per superar amb èxit una entrevista en anglès. 

Campus Sant Cugat:

  • Date: Wednesday 29 November. From 15.00 to 16.00 pm
  • Location: P0L2.
  • Language: English.

Practical session with real examples. You will be the protagonist!

We look forward to seeing you! Limited places.

With the collaboration of:
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