
Student Academic Conference: “Caring for the Future”

Campus Barcelona

Every year since 2010, UIC Barcelona has organised a university conference. True to its identity as a university, it fosters intellectual activity in the search of truth. Through the medium of study, characterised by scientific rigour and interdisciplinary dialogue, students have the opportunity to present papers that provide news for social improvement and care for the environment around them.

In this edition of the Student Academic Conference (SAC) the main theme is caring for a better future: “Caring for the Future”.  

Valuable contributions can be made that contribute to taking care of society and the environment by all disciplines of knowledge. The word “care” comes from the Latin, cura, and means ‘care, maintain, concern’. From the same cura root we also have words like “cure, procure, curious”. The idea of care exceeds all disciplines.


  • 09.30 a.m. Registration of participants
  • 10.00 a.m. Presentation of projects
  • 12.00 p.m. Coffee
  • 12.30 p.m. 
    Keynote speech: “Caring leadership”, by  Pedro Díaz Ridao, international speaker and author of the book "Best Leaders". (Saló de Graus)

    Awards Ceremony
  • 1.45 p.m. Closing