
“The success of radio advertising”

Associació Catalana de Ràdio (ACR) - Generalitat de Catalunya

On 20 October, the session “The success of radio advertising” will take place at UIC Barcelona. It will be a professional day to discuss the current situation of radio in our country, to learn about other realities such as the prospect of the sector in Belgium and England, and to discover the great advantages of investing in radio advertising.

10.00 a.m. Institutional welcome - Saló de Graus

• Carles Cuni, president of the Catalan Radio Association

• Rebeca Pardo, dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at UIC Barcelona

10.30 a.m. It’s hard to be a Catalan broadcaster (Com costa vendre la ràdio…!): Francesc Robert, AtresmediaRadio, secretary ACR, UIC.

10.45 a.m. Radio Advertising is a powerful business booster: Thierry Mars, Radio Director at EGTA (Simultaneous translation of the conference will be provided).

11.15 a.m. Coffee Break - Garden by the Saló de Graus

11.35 a.m. El poder persuasiu del so: casos d’èxit de branding sonor. (The persuasive power of sound: sound branding success stories). Montserrat Vidal-Mestre, Ph.D. in Communication Sciences. UIC

12.05 p.m. How to get Advertisers to See Radio Differently: Lucy Barrett, Client Director Radiocentre and President of the World Radio Alliance (WRA)

12.35 p.m. Roundtable panel discussion with: Thierry Mars, Lucy Barrett and Enric Yarza of MediaHotline. Moderator: Montse Bonet, lecturer and secretary of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at UAB.

1.05 p.m. Closing: Oriol Duran, Secretary of Media of the Generalitat de Catalunya



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