
Taller Vertical 2015 'URBANMAKING'

“URBANMAKING: Public Space Elements for Inclusion” is the title of the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture's Vertical Workshop that will be held on 3-10 September 2015 on the Iradier Campus.

URBANMAKING will be held for registered students in the first week of the 2015-2016 academic year. It is open to students in the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, as well as architecture students from other universities and secondary-school students who want to experience their first real contact with architecture studies. Six places in the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture's 18th Vertical Workshop will be made available to secondary-school students. 

Participants in the Vertical Workshop are divided into teams made up of students from all five years of the programme. Under the direction of renowned Spanish architects, students must develop a real project with a social purpose and also build a life-size model of their proposal. 

In the Vertical Workshop, "URBANMAKING: Public Space Elements for Inclusion", the idea is to create the city based on a specific feature through the design and construction of proposals for urban furniture and items that catalyse and propose new situations, and that bring activities outdoors that are traditionally not seen there. These items should focus on the least represented groups and promote greater social inclusion. These items should be flexible, inspirational and adaptable. They should promote socialization, play, culture and art, and should provide support to a city capable of creating new situations to encourage people to interact and socialize in the city they live in.