
Thesis defence: Cristina Porta

Doctoral School Sant Cugat Auditorium

Thesis title: “Protocol for the Evaluation of the Effect of a Unitary Implant Neck Macro-Design on Hard and Soft Tissue Outcomes: A Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial”

  • Doctoral candidate: Cristina Porta
  • Directors: Dr Marta Satorres Nieto and Dr Basel Elnayef Elsakan

Doctoral programme: Health Sciences (RD 99/2011)

Panel members:

  • Chair: Dr. Eduard Ferrés Padró (Institut Ferrés Amat)
  • Member: Dr Miren Agurne Uribarri Extebarria (University of the Basque Country)
  • Secretary: Dr Samir Aboul-Hosn Centenero (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya)