
Thesis defence: Guillermo Rocafort Sánchez

Aula A13, Sant Cugat

Thesis title: Virtual reality in teaching of the Anatomy of Head and Coll in students of Dentistry Pregraduate Degree

  • Doctoral candidate: Guillermo Rocafort Sánchez
  • Thesis supervisors: Dr. Lluís Giner Tarrida and Dra. María Arregui Gambús  

Doctoral programme: Health Sciences (RD 99/2011)

Jury members:

  • President: Dr. Fernando Durán-Sindreu Terol (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya)
  • Spokeperson: Dr. Carles Escalona Marfil (Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya)
  • Secretary: Dr. Evarist Feliu Frasnedo (Institut de recerca contra la leucèmia Josep Carreras)