
Thesis defence: Juan Antonio Gallo Sallent

Electronic defence

Thesis title: "El big data. Implicaciones jurídicas para un cambio de paradigma: el derecho al olvido y el consentimiento"

  • Doctoral candidate: Juan Antonio Gallo Sallent
  • Thesis supervisor: Dra. Montserrat Nebrera González

Doctoral programme: Economy and Law (RD 99/2011)

Jury members: 

  • President: Dr. Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch (UAB)
  • Spokeperson: Dr. Bernardo Morcego Seix (UPC)
  • Secretary: Dra. Pilar Rey Peña (UIC)

* If you would like to attend online, please contact the secretary's office at the Doctorate School: edoc@uic.es