
Thesis defence: Leire Díez Tercero

Auditori Sant Cugat

Thesis title: "Modulation of the inflammatory response using a guided bone regeneration membrane with dual drug delivery capacity"

  • Doctoral student: Leire Díez Tercero
  • Supervistors: Dr Román Pérez Antoñanzas and Dr Luis María Delgado Garoña

Doctoral programme: Health Sciences (RD 99/2011)

Jury members:

  • President: Dr Xavier Gil Mur (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya)
  • Chairperson: Dr Aitor Larrañaga Espartero (University of the Basque Country)
  • Secretary: Dr Daniel Rodríguez Rius (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

* Anyone interested in attending the thesis defence should send an email to the Doctoral School secretary: edoc@uic.es