
Thesis defence: Maria de los Reyes Carballar Ruiz

Thesis title: “CDK-mediated phosphorylation of Yku80 and its role in DNA repair”

  • Doctoral candidate: Maria de los Reyes Carballar Ruiz
  • Supervisors: Dr Javier Jiménez Jiménez and Dr Samuel Bru Rullo

Doctoral programme: Health Sciences (RD 99/2011)


  • President: Dr Martí Aldea Malo (UIC Barcelona)
  • Spokesperson: Dr Miguel González Blanco (University of Santiago de Compostela)
  • Secretary: Dr Pablo Huertas Sánchez (University of Seville)


* Anyone who is interested in attending, either in person or remotely, can contact the Doctoral School secretariat by writing to: edoc@uic.es