
Thesis defence: Rita Santa Bárbara Correira

Doctoral School Sant Cugat Auditorium

Thesis title: “Effects of Medication on Asthma and the Development of Cavities in Children Aged 3-15 at Luz Hospital in Lisbon, Portugal”

  • Doctoral candidate: Rita Santa Bárbara Correira
  • Directors: Dr Francisco Guinot Jimeno and Dr Ana Veloso Duran

Doctoral programme: Health Sciences (RD 99/2011)

Panel members:

  • Chair: Dr Lluís Giner Tarrida (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya)
  • Member: Dr Irene Maria Ventura de Carvalho Ramos (Egas Moniz School of Health and Science)
  • Secretary: Dr Miguel Hernández Juyol (University of Barcelona)