
Thesis defence: Robert Muní i Lofra

Saló de Graus

Thesis title: "Evaluating disease progression and care provision in Spinal Muscular Atrophy".

  • Doctoral candidate: Robert Muní i Lofra
  • Thesis supervisor: Dra. Anna Mayhew
  • Thesis supervisor: Dra. Azahara Fort i Vanmeerhaeghe

Doctoral programme: Health Sciences (RD 99/2011)

Jury members: 

  • President: Dra. Julita Medina Cantillo (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu- Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Vocal: Dr. Jane Newman (Newcastle University)
  • Secretary: Dr. Linda Pax Lowes (Nationwide Children’s Hospital)

* If you would like to attend online, please follow this link.